A tree on a property can mean many different things to a realtor. Most of the time a tree adds value to the property but sometimes the tree may take some of that value by damaging underground pipes or septic systems. Most of the time though a realtor loves trees on a property. Here are some of the types of trees and why a realtor might like them. First we have to start with the one beautiful tree that almost everyone says "I wish I had one on the property" and that is a weeping willow. Is there a more sad and charismatic tree anywhere else in the world. The bad mamma jamma is so scenic and liked that it practically comes to life and helps sell the property. If we ever get a call about wanting to remove one of these trees without a phenomenal excuse we may cry. Look at the beauty of this tree. There is no way this can be bad for a property. If you are a realtor anywhere, please leave us a comment and tell us your experience with Willow Trees on the property and how it helped you sell it, or didn't. The next tree on our list is the one the only Oak Tree. Did you know the biggest and oldest oak tree in Evansville is at the state hospital? Yep, its over 200 years old and over 23 feet in girth. That is a large tree. a person looks so tiny standing next to one of these. Of course we are going to add a picture. Oak trees, as long as they are healthy, and does not need removed, are another great tree for property value. Oak trees can outlive the house by many years. They give a home they homey feel. This baheemuth can add a ton of shade in the summer, and provide the warm gooey feeling of home that a home should have. Just look at it. Third and final type of tree we are going to list here is a Maple. Now, there are many different types of maples and some can have very long roots so you really have to have any structures inspected when buying a home with a maple tree. These maples are very common in Evansville. A maple has Lucius green foliage in the summer time that you can bank on providing lots of shade. If you have 2 or 3 of these trees clustered together the charm of them really come out in the fall. These things can really make the property pop with color. I mean some of the most beautiful trees on earth are when these beauties start to change. If they are planted near a pond or lake and you can see the reflection you even get more value. It is going to make it very easy for your client to say they want the home in the middle of fall with this kind of reflection on the water.
Evansville is about 2.5 hours southwest of Indianapolis located on the Ohio River in Indiana. One of the big attractions in Evansville is the Indian (Native American) angel mounds. If you ever make it here to give it a visit it’s a nice walk through a scenic area. The mounds are around 10ft tall and are protected, but you can walk right by them and it’s pretty cool to see. What else can you do in Evansville? Well you could take a trip to the Mesker Park Zoo. It’s no where near as big as the Louisville zoo or St Louis zoo, and its not free, however the prices are reasonable. They have enough attractions where if you spend a full day there you will be able to see them all. One of the best parts of the zoo in my opinion is the bird cage with all kinds of tropical colored birds that you can walk around while they are flying all around you. You can also get some feed sticks and let them eat from your hand. It is very fun and any kids will like it more than you do. Here are 3 easy and simple things that doesn't cost too much to do in Evansville Indiana. You and your family will have a nice relaxing time no matter which of these 3 you choose.
For some reason we have been getting some calls for the New Albany area for tree service work. We don’t typically travel that far. We go around Evansville, which is Newburg, Boonville, Henderson, MCcutchenville, and other cities. If you need a tree trimming company in New Albany we know a great one. Cliff’s Trees. The website for those guys are http://www.newalbanytreeservice.com/ They will help you get the job done right, but we at tree trimming evansville do not do work that far out. Thanks.
Check out the text out of this book: The Sibley Guide To Trees Author: David Allen Sibley
As you can see straight from the text in the book it is working into the part where it is classifying the different types. Later on in the book they also talk about how some trees could be considered shrubs and some shrubs trees. I guess there is no real defined lines, but enjoy this below. "In theory, the term subspecies should be used for well-defined variation that nearly rises to the level of species, while variety is used for somewhat less well-defined variation with differences that are relatively small or inconsistent. In practice, however, the distinction between subspecies and variety is often unclear and arbitrary. and many authorities now advocate making variety a synonym of subspecies. trees. In a few cases common names have been modified to distinguish them more clearly from other species A few of the most commonly used alternate names are listed in each species account beneath the scientific name. SIZE AND MEASUREMENTS The maximum size listed in the species accounts in this guide are for the maximum height recorded in North America and has been compiled from several sources. Seeking and documenting big trees is a popular hobby, and the official “National Register of Big Trees” is maintained by the organization American Forests."
If you have lived in southern Indiana very long than you know what kind of winters we have. They can be very mild with little snow and ice or they can be very harsh with up to 2 feet of snow, and sometimes an inch or 2 of freezing rain. What does this mean for your trees? Well different things can happen. To a healthy tree that has been maintained and has our tree trimming services than if probably wont see much damage. There is always a slight risk that the weather can cause any tree to snap or limb to break. Even with the bad ice storms we get a healthy tree that is taken care of, has all the dead limbs removed, and excess cut off can still have some breaking issues but not nearly as much as any others. If you have a healthy tree that doesn't get any kind of maintenance to it than you still run the risk of having heavy snow or ice weigh down the branches. The dead branches will naturally be the first to snap. They come down and do not care what is underneath them. Crash and that's it. It has no sympathy. Now you have a much bigger problem. Better get out the phone and start to call the insurance adjuster. It's even worse if you are a renter of a property. The worst of the worst is the trees that are already dead. Sometimes you can tell when a tree is no longer living. These are the most dangerous trees and you could really save yourself some headaches by calling us and having us do a tree removal. We have some specials going on right now in autumn so you can get this taken care of before winter hits. Earth Day and Us
We like to think we do our part to keep the earth healthy. That means keeping a fresh supply of trees going in the ground. Not only do we depend on them it’s also what keeps us in business ;) Join us in the fight and go here to help out. Every year during earth day we like to get out and buy saplings to plant. We try and put them in a place that isn’t going to cause them to have to be taken out later on. We love to see them grow. Every year they get bigger and it just shows us how long we have been in business. I know that we aren’t even close to earth day because that is on April 22nd but I wanted to write on this while its fresh on the mind. The reason that we are so adamant on keeping the earth healthy is because we want our children and all future generations to be able and see all the beauty that we have. Most people don’t see some of the views that we get. Once you get to the top of a 100 ft. tree and get to see the sunset with a cool breeze blowing in your face it makes you appreciate all the awesome beauties in this world. Amazing sites are seen from the tree tops. It’s no wonder you never see a giraffe cry. It’s because they love the view at the top. Haha sorry that was a corny joke. Lol. Help us out and help your kids, and their kids out and plant some tree’s in the ground every April 22nd. They are fun to watch grow year after year and your kids will like it as well. Especially if you plant them when the kids are young. They will always be able to look at the tree and think back on the good memories they had when you planted it with them. Even long after your gone they will still think of you when they look at the tree. Thanks to all Yours kindly Evansville Tree Trimming Here are some trees in Evansville. As we were walking down the river walk i started to snap a few pics. One I got my son on his bike in the picture. We had an excellent time walking and enjoying the scenes. It was hot but that is how it goes on an early September day in the tri-state. When you are in the shade the temperature has to drop at least 10 degrees. It's nice knowing that we have these big things to shade us. I can't complain when walking into an area where they give me the cool summer air, along with a breeze. Even though the water was right beside us the blazing hot sun still showed no mercy. The water from the river didn't cool the air one bit. |
Tree Trimming Evansville
365 S Craig Ave
Evansville, IN 47712
(812) 420-1835
365 S Craig Ave
Evansville, IN 47712
(812) 420-1835